Offene Häfen, geschlossene Gesellschaft

Die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung der Chinesen in Japan zur Zeit der Konzessionsgebiete (1859 – 1899)

  • Katja Schmidtpott


Open Ports, Closed-off Society: On the Public Image of the Chinese in Japan at the Time of the Treaty Port System, 1859–1899

After the abolishment of the Japanese treaty port system in 1899, foreigners were free to take up residence in the interior of the country. However, restrictions regarding certain occupations were introduced. As a result, most Chinese remained confined to the settlements, while Europeans and Americans were free to leave. This unequal treatment was preceded by an increasingly unfavourable perception of the Chinese in Japanese society. The article traces back the reasons for this negative attitude to the 1870s, taking into account the social history of Chinese immigration to Japan and the legal framework for foreign residents as well as the general background of Sino-Japanese relations at the end of the 19th century.

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How to Cite

Schmidtpott, K. (2007). Offene Häfen, geschlossene Gesellschaft: Die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung der Chinesen in Japan zur Zeit der Konzessionsgebiete (1859 – 1899). omparativ, 17(2), 51–63.