Globalisierungsprozesse vor Ort.

Die Interdependenz von Produktion, Handel und Konsum am Beispiel „Kaffee“ zur Zeit des Kaiserreichs

  • Laura Rischbieter


Globalizing the Local and Localizing the Global. Coffee Trade and Consumption in imperial Germany as an Example for the Interdependence of Production, Trade and Consumption

During the second half of the nineteenth century, coffee became one of the world’s most valuable internationally traded commodities. As such it underwent a transformation in European countries from a product of luxury to a product of mass consumption. The article focuses on the question how the interdependence of production, trade and consumption in a globalizing world affected local coffee consumption and trade in imperial Germany. Therefore the article examines processes of homogenization and differentiation, by taking a look at the international coffee trade in Hamburg, national trade and mass consumer culture, the political dimension of coffee consumption and the images connected with coffee. Rischbieter argues that the relationship between globalization and homogenization is more complicated than often assumed. Globalization implies both a process of homogenization and of differentiation.

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How to Cite

Rischbieter, L. (2007). Globalisierungsprozesse vor Ort.: Die Interdependenz von Produktion, Handel und Konsum am Beispiel „Kaffee“ zur Zeit des Kaiserreichs. omparativ, 17(3), 28–45.